Sources of further information about the region
'Meteo France Météo et climat. French national weather service website. The local weather forecasts for Jouqueviel, facing La Maleyrie across the valley, tend to be the most accurate. The site is invaluable for holiday planning. In addition to forecasts for each day for up to the next 14 days there are detailed forecasts by time of day for the next 7 days. A particularly useful feature is the 'umbrella' button giving very accurate information on any rainfall for the next 60 minutes. There are also specific forecasts for mountain and beach resorts. Inventaire des cavités souterraines du département de l’Aveyron. Rapport final. BRGM/RP-56577-FR. Janvier 2009. . A January 2009 final report (French language) and inventory of subterranean cavities in the department of Aveyron, natural or the result of human activity. The majorities of cavities in Aveyron are those that occur naturally in a limestone plateau. The report maps the department in superb detail and includes photographs of the types of cavities catalogued ranging from disused railway tunnels, aquaducts and mines to caves for cheese-ripening, troglodytic cave dwellings and secret passages under churches and châteaux. by BRGM - the French geological survey Search for the Common Genet (Genetta genetta) in Southern France. Posted August 31, 2012 by Erwin. The Rewilding Foundation – for wilderness with carnivores. The Common Genet (Genetta genetta) is a gracious mammal found in dense vegetation in the valleys of streams, rivers, lakes and near reservoirs. This post is based on observations by the Liort stream, ultimately a tributary of the Viaur River. It includes several fascinating night-time photographs and film of the genet as well as stone marten and badger. The sleek and spotted genet is about the size of a slim domestic cat, but is actually a member of the Civets (Viverridae). In ancient times Genets were kept as pets and used to curtail mice and rats around the household. The bastides & new towns of the southwest of France: recent research & new directions. Jean-Loup Abbe. Université de Toulouse - UMR-CNRS 5136 Framespa - 2012 A concise article reviewing the variety of types and motives for the Bastide design of many villages/towns in southwestern France and Aveyron and Tarn specifically; and posing questions relating to their structure and significance. The author considers the physical lay-outs and historic timing that explain whether such developments were urban or agricultural 'new towns'- (villa nova or ville neuves), agricultural villages, religious sanctuaries (sauvetés), military (castra) or secular foundations and their focus- often a grid plan around a central marketplace , but not always, and geometric design. Let us tell about Rieupeyroux Christophe Evrard - The department of architecture and heritage, Association des Bastides du Rouergue A very clear map supported by excellent detailed information on the history of Rieupeyroux from its foundation in the 11th century by a community of Benedictine monks to the early 20th century and the development of modern agriculture. The Bastide, and how it worked in practical detail - for example the stone crosses that marked the borders of the original sauveté (or sanctuary) where the religious control afforded freedom from prosecution combined with spiritual guidance - is explained and related to the historic or contemporary physical evidence still to be seen. The Bastides or walled towns of Rouergue- in the avant garde of the Middle Ages Transmitted by Arte TV in 2020 and available from Arte TV online until June 2022 using the following link. Les bastides du Rouergue, à l'avant-garde du Moyen Âge - Arte Aveyron, within the former province of Rouergue, is home to a mosaic of landscapes from which emerge small medieval towns designed in grid-like geometric patterns with central squares, the Bastides. In the 13th century these new towns were designed to promote peace and trade. Even today, they bear witness to the will of the people of the time who sought against all odds to structure and modernize their territory. The short film includes aerial views of Villeneuve d'Aveyron, Najac, Villefranche de Rouergue and La Bastide-l'Évêque and footage of the Les Martinets du Lézert- the brilliant, restored, water-powered mechanical hammer for copperwork. Ancient DNA reveals male diffusion through the Neolithic Mediterranean route. Marie Lacan, Christine Keyser, François-Xavier Ricaut, Nicolas Brucato, Francis Duranthon, Jean Guilaine, Eric Crubézy, and Bertrand Ludes PNAS June 14, 2011 108 (24) 9788-9791 from the abstract - 'The Neolithic is a key period in the history of the European settlement. Although archaeological and present-day genetic data suggest several hypotheses regarding the human migration patterns at this period, validation of these hypotheses with the use of ancient genetic data has been limited. In this context, we studied DNA extracted from 53 individuals buried in a necropolis used by a French local community 5,000 years ago..... in Cave I of Treilles located in the Grands Causses region, at Saint-Jean-et-Saint-Paul, Aveyron, France (Fig. 1). The Treilles cultural group is a well identified archeological complex of the late Stone Age period.... |